Crown lengthening – Post Surgery Interview

Crown lengthening – Post Surgery Interview

Dr Supa:
So we’re one week after the surgery with Rosie. Can you tell us about what procedure you have just had completed?

I had aesthetic crown lengthening and a gingivectomy.

Dr Supa:
Can you tell me why you wanted that procedure?

I had noticed that my teeth were really short and square like. It was actually yourself that noticed they were just hiding underneath the rest of my gums.
It wasn’t that my teeth were short just more under the gum.

Dr Supa:
I thought that was pretty cool. We did the surgery exactly one week ago. Can you tell me about how did it felt during the surgery?

You explained to me really well what was going to happen, what I was going to feel, and I had the opportunity to watch while it was going on with a mirror. That was fantastic. It didn’t take too long, it was very calculated, careful and comfortable too.

Dr Supa:
The thing that I was worried about was the day after, because of what you actually experienced. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Did you need a lot of pain killers? Was it like uncomfortable?

Going back to the day of the procedure, I had a couple of nurofen before I went to bed, just before the anesthetic was due to wear off. I slept fine throughout the night, and in the morning woke up with no discomfort at all. Slight tenderness, only to palpate the area, but other than that, nothing. I didn’t need any painkillers at all. It was very comfortable.

Dr Supa:
That was unexpected, so that’s great. .

I think you almost scared me into thinking I’d wake up screaming, but no, I felt fine.

Dr Supa:
So how about the day after, and the two days after? Did anyone notice and how did it feel?

Well, the first thing was coming into work and obviously working in the dental industry, everyone wanted to have a look. I felt like a celebrity. I don’t think people have looked that closely at my mouth before. But friends have noticed that my teeth look a bit longer and a little bit more tooth-like instead of square. Now I’ve got that natural curvature at the top, too. I’m happy when I look in the mirror. I’m really happy with the results.

Dr Supa:
Unfortunately, I think you are moving away, so I think we’ll just have to get someone else to take the pictures to follow up the next few weeks as well.